All Skin, Hair & Nails Topics
Treating and Preventing Painful Ingrown Pubic Hairs
Ingrown pubic hair is usually no more dangerous than a zit on your face, but left untreated, it may lead to purple bump, blood blister, or even balloon into a major health problem. If symptoms worsen or home treatment isn’t successful, consult your physician without delay.
Ringworm on Scalp: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments
Scalp ringworm is most common in children, which is caused by a fungus, not by a “worm”. Then how is ringworm on scalp treated and how to prevent it? Find your answers here.
Steroid Cream for Eczema
A steroid cream is a topical medication is often used to treat skin inflammation and irritation caused by eczema. It is effective and safe when used according to medical advice.
How to Treat a Burn Blister
Blisters may form from any type of second-degree burn, regardless of the substance that has caused the burn. Here you can learn about how to treat a burn blister, both closed and open, as well as second-degree burn.
How to Get Rid of White Hair
How to get rid of white hair? A question for the old and the young. Try dying, natural remedies and supplements, to get white or grey hair in check.
Homemade Face Masks--Best Kept Inexpensive Secret of Beauty
Find masks on market expensive and irritating? Want to know some natural homemade face mask? Lucky you! Here're the most beneficial ingredients that can be used in DIY face mask.
Why Do I Have Hot Face and Ears?
Hot face and ears are usually harmless but can lead to redness, hot to touch and even embarrassment. Here are some of the reasons it occurs and what to do about it.
Over 20 Effective Home Remedies for Thrush in Adults
Thrush causes killing pain? Wanna great home remedies for thrush? Here are over 20 methods for you to treat your thrush whether it's in mouth, vagina or elsewhere.
How to Get Rid of a Cyst Safely and Effectively
How to get rid of a cyst? Easy! Hot compress, sitz bath, antibiotics, steroid shot, surgical removal and natural remedy like turmeric, garlic and the like are great.
How to Get Rid of Verrucas
Verrucas or planter warts, a contagious viral skin, appear on feet soles. How to get rid of verrucas? Here are 6 effective ways, like duct tape, cryotherapy, etc.