All Food & Nutrition Topics

25+ Uses of Grapes for Health and Beauty

Grapes have plenty of uses, like preventing or treating a variety of health issues, benefiting skin and hair. Find out all the uses of grapes for our health and beauty here.


Dark Chocolate Side Effects

Dark chocolate is a favorite of many, however, what most don’t realize is the side effects that it has. Read on and find out more about dark chocolate side effects and how to eat it healthy.


3 Day Detox

Everyone has toxins in their body from pollution, processed foods and supplements. A 3 day detox is perfect for ridding the body of those toxins and for those who do not have time for a full detox plan.


Honey for Weight Loss

Honey has often been called a “miracle food” because it provides healthy nutrients in a tasty form. It is also possible to lose weight while consuming honey. Learn how to use honey for weight loss.


Foods for Weight Loss

Are you in search of foods for weight loss? Learn about all the foods that you can use in your weight loss regimen to ensure you lose weight more efficiently. Examples are mushrooms and yogurt.


Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Many people of all ages struggle with their belly fat but in most cases you don’t have to resort to extreme measures to get rid of it. Here are some nutritious foods that burn belly fat so you don’t have to be as self-conscious anymore.


Best Meal Replacement Shakes

Meal replacement shakes are an effective solution for those who want to supplement their diets or those who want to lose weight. Here evaluates some of the most popular shakes on the market and provides recipes of homemade meal replacement shakes.



Experts have linked flavonoids with a variety of health benefits. Here are some of the sources of these flavonoids as well as the best ways to consume them and cautions to keep in mind.


Gatorade Side Effects

Gatorade is a sports drink presumed to have healthy ingredients. However, it is an energy drink which should be consumed in small amounts because excessive intake is dangerous. It can lead to toxic levels of salt, sugars, vitamins and calories.


How Are Sugars Broken Down and Used in the Body?

Understanding how sugars are broken down and used in the body is crucial in order to proactively monitor and control your sugar consumption, as too much or too little sugar in our diets can lead to serious health complaints.