All Drugs & Supplements Topics

Bactrim Side Effects

Bactrim is a common drug used to treat infections. The drug is decreasing in popularity due to the large number of Bactrim side effects.


Levothyroxine Side Effects

Levothyroxine is a synthetic hormone that is used to battle thyroid disease. Heart related Levothyroxine side effects are common, especially for those who have a preexisting heart condition.


Gabapentin Side Effects

Gabapentin is used to treat many forms of pain or neurological disorders. Patients will need to work closely with their doctor to determine a proper dose of the medication. This will ensure ideal results with minimal side effects of Gabapentin.


Cipro Side Effects

Cipro is commonly used to reduce bacterial growth stemming from infections in the body. When taken properly, Cipro side effects are minimal and rarely interfere with a person being able to use the drug. The main side effects are due to circulation issues, so discuss your cardiovascular history thoroughly with your doctor before starting a prescription.


Lisinopril Side Effects

Lisinopril has been shown to be effective in treating high blood pressure. Check your pulse and heart rate often while on Lisinipril to help monitor potential Lisinopril side effects.


Oxycodone Side Effects

Oxycodone is commonly used to treat moderate to severe pain. You should consult carefully with a doctor to determine the proper dose as overdose will lead to Oxycodone side effects.


Naproxen Side Effects

Naproxen is an anti-inflammatory drug that is used to treat swelling, fever and pain. There are a few Naproxen side effects, but these tend to be mild and uncommon. In most cases, adjusting your dose of Naproxen can help alleviate these side effects.


Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream

Triamcinolone acetonide cream is used to treat many illnesses that cause discomfort of the skin. Dosing and proper use is quite varied, so you must consult your doctor. Triamcinolone acetonide contains steroids so it requires careful monitoring.



C9-T11 is a fat burner that promises to burn fat while increasing muscle. But there are many studies on this over the counter supplement that question those promises. Here is what you need to know about CLA, the active ingredient in C9-T11.


How to Get Prescribed Xanax

Xanax is prescribed for those with anxiety disorders. If you think you have this problem, talk to your doctor about how it might be solved, with or without medication. You can learn how to get prescribed Xanax for a legitimate anxiety disorder here.