All Digestive System Topics
Oily Stool
Poop can be messy, but poop conversations are necessary every now and then. If you are dealing with oily stool, the answers to your questions are definitely to be found within this article.
Loss of the Ability to Swallow: Why and What to Do
The loss of the ability to swallow among the elderly can be caused by osteophytes, weak muscle, reduced saliva, etc. Here're great, effective ways to fight it.
Are You an Emotional Eater? Stop Eating Your Heart Out
Stop emotional eating! Are you hungry? No? Then ditch eating. Exercise, meditate and just don’t let emotions control you for eating solves nothing except hunger.
Constant Stomach Pain: Why and What to Do
Constant stomach pain is no fun. Be proactive to find out what is causing your continuous stomach aches and take necessary steps to get control of the situation.
Treating Food Poisoning
Food poisoning, also known as foodborne illness, is caused by eating contaminated food. It most often causes diarrhea and dehydration. Here're all you need to know about food poisoning and how to treat it.
Barrett's Oesophagus
In most cases, Barrett’s oesophagus, occurring as a complication of GORD or GERD, is not a serious disease. Learn how to relieve the symptoms at home as well as medical treatments.
12 Warning Signs of Liver Damage
People don't have any noticeable symptoms until their liver is badly damaged. Learn the warning signs of liver damage here to spot it early as well as how to prevent it.
Can Dehydration Cause Heartburn?
Can dehydration cause heartburn? Dehydration can cause heartburn only when it happens in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. And you cannot use antacids or tablet medications to treat heartburn that is caused by dehydration.
Natural Cures for Acid Reflux
Natural cures for acid reflux can help you avoid this painful condition. Natural remedies are much more gentle and safe than their pharmaceutical counterparts. Try out some natural remedies mentioned here, then speak to your doctor if none of them seem to work.
Home Remedies for Gas and Bloating
Gas and bloating are not only uncomfortable; they can lead to much pain and even lead to withdrawal. You don’t have to suffer any more since there are easy and brilliant home remedies for gas and bloating.